What is Corrective Exercise?

Corrective Exercise is a blend of personal fitness training with physical therapy. 

Personal Training (and fitness in general) focuses upon "feeling the burn" and making you sweat.  The notion for using "good form" often exists, but easily gives way to the industry psychology for pushing you to do more repetitions.  It is relatively common for those who start exercising to develop chronic injuries, including back pain, knee pain, or shoulder pain. Since one of the most commonly reported reasons for stopping exercising is pain or injury, the focus of corrective exercise becomes the obvious option.

In  Physical Therapy, the specialized focus of the therapy handles the immediate need for healing the musculoskeletal injury.  However, it is also common for the therapy to end immediately after rehabilitation or pain reduction, which doesn't always address the underlying cause and rarely returns you to your fully functional and optimal body.  This can lead to re-injuring the same area, injuring the area on the other side of the body, or injuring another area of the body as it tries to compensate for the underlying issue that was never addressed in therapy.  Corrective exercise is the bridge that can take you from rehabilitation to full function.